Q&A With Sharlyn Lauby from HR Bartender

February 21, 2017 by Raymond Lee

We are so excited to welcome Sharlyn Lauby as our first interview guest in our new series: Q&A’s with HR Influencers! In this blog post series we will explore the minds of expert HR influencers, gain insight into current HR trends, and have a little fun along the way. HR Bartender is a favorite blog of many professionals! Enjoy learning more about the mind behind the blog.

hr bartender


Sharlyn Lauby is an author, writer, speaker and consultant. She is president of ITM Group Inc., a consulting firm which focuses on developing training solutions that engage and retain talent in the workplace. The company has been named one of the Top Small Businesses in South Florida.

hr bartender

She is well-known for her work on HR Bartender (click here), is a friendly place to talk about workplace issues. The site has been recognized as one of the “Top 5 Blogs HR Pros Love to Read” by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). Sharlyn just released her second book, “Manager Onboarding: 5 Steps for Setting New Leaders Up for Success,” following the popularity of her first book, “Essential Meeting Blueprints for Managers,” which is available on Amazon.

Sharlyn previously served as a member of SHRM’s Membership Advisory Committee (MAC) and Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility special expertise panel. Her personal goal in life is to find the best cheeseburger on the planet.

You can follow and connect with Sharlyn using the links below!

Blog: http://www.hrbartender.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sharlynlauby

Twitter: https://twitter.com/sharlyn_lauby

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HRBartender

Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/+SharlynLauby/posts

Q&A with Sharlyn Lauby from HR Bartende

1. So, how did you become “Sharlyn Lauby”? More specifically, how did you get into HR?

My path to human resources was under some unique circumstances. The short story is that I was in an auto accident and when I was able to return to work, my employer found a job for me – in HR. And they sent me for training to learn HR. I feel very fortunate that my employer made the investment in my career. And it’s an example I encourage other businesses to follow – invest in your people.

2. Outside of HR, what is your passion in life?

As a small business owner, one of the things I like to do is help small business owners get their start. I love investing in Kickstarter or Indiegogo projects. It might seem small but it’s great fun to play a part in helping someone launch their dream. And, it makes me feel a little like a “Shark Tank” investor – LOL!

3. Which of your personal values impacts your philosophies about human resources?

I’m all about personal accountability. I believe it’s the foundation for your credibility and personal brand. Do what you say you’re going to do. And if for some reason the situation changes, then renegotiate the commitment.

4. What is your position right now? What do you “actually do” on a regular basis?

I’m the president of a training company, ITM Group Inc. We design and deliver programs on self-management, problem-solving, decision-making, etc. Companies use our services to help engage and retain talent.

5. What is your most favorite project that you have ever worked on?

I like all the projects I work on. I’m very fortunate that I work with great clients on interesting projects. But if I do have to name just one, it would be an assignment I worked on for a cruise line in Hawaii. It was a lot of hard work in a tropical paradise. No one felt sorry for me (ha.ha.)

6. What is your favorite HR joke?

I don’t know that I have a favorite HR joke, but I do love a good meme.

7. In your opinion, what are the biggest issues right now in HR?

There are a couple of issues that I think HR needs to keep on their horizon.

1) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) – customers are paying attention to the social and civic points-of-view of the places where they spend money. That’s going to start translating to employees – if it hasn’t already. People want to work for companies that align with their values.

2) Technology safety and security – Activities like hacking and ransomware are taking center stage. HR pros need to make sure employee data and information is safe and secure. They need to train employees on how to keep the company’s info safe and secure.

8. Picture a world ten years from now— what does HR look like to you? How will it be different?

On one hand, I think there are pieces that will be very much the same. For example, the focus on talent. But on the other hand, I think the methods that we use to get results will be very different. Technology will play a huge role in how HR achieves results.

9. If you had to give one tip to an HR executive about how to be successful in the current climate, what would that be?

I believe HR’s role is to be an educator. Train managers on how to get the most from employees. Train employees on how to be successful. Focus on making investments in talent.

10. What is your advice to more junior level HR professionals, who are looking to become leaders in the coming years?

First of all, leaders are found at all levels in an organization. If you want to lead, do it. Your title doesn’t make you a leader. Also, be open to all opportunities. You might be presented with something that on the surface looks like a dud, but before you say “no”, strongly consider if there’s something to learn. I don’t regret the career decisions I’ve made – even the bad ones – because I learned something from them.

Thanks for reading all about Sharlyn. We loved getting to work with her, and you would too! Make sure to reach out to her with the contact information listed above. Read the HR bartender blog here.

Our favorite HR bartender blogs:

The 3 Key Metrics in HR Predictive Analysis (HR Bartender site)

4 Ways to Measure the Success of Your HR Programs (HR Bartender site)

HR Competencies: Turning Knowledge Into Action (HR Bartender site)


Raymond Lee

Raymond Lee

Raymond Lee is the President of Careerminds, a global outplacement company based in Wilmington, Delaware. He has over 20 years of human resource, outplacement, and career consulting experience. He has his bachelor’s in psychology and holds a Master’s Degree in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Louisiana Tech University. He is active in SHRM and ATD. Raymond’s been featured on SiriusXM Business Radio, CareerTalk, and the Wall Street Journal and he’s published a book titled, Clocking Out: A Stress-Free Guide to Career Transitions.

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