WARN Act PA 2024: Requirements, Coverage, and Compliance
Career Coaching
Meet the Coach: Interview with Senior Career Consultant Karen Dillenburg
Workforce Planning
The 5 Best Workforce Planning Tools for HR
Human Resources
Job Abandonment: What Every Employer Needs to Know (Policy Example Included)
How to Write a Layoff Letter (With a Downloadable Sample)
What Is the Difference Between a Voluntary Retirement and a Layoff?
How to Write a Voluntary Retirement Program Announcement Letter (with Template)
Human Resources
How to Write a Bonus Cancellation Letter (Example Included)
Mergers and Acquisitions
Merger vs. Acquisition: Explaining the Differences for HR
Outsourcing and Offshoring
Outsourcing Contracts: Essential Things to Include
Mergers and Acquisitions
How to Write an Employee Retention Letter (Sample Included)
Mergers and Acquisitions