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Webinar Worth Watching: Strategy Realization for HR

June 01, 2016 Written by Meredith Brandt

Leadership Development
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Careerminds’ most recent webinar, Strategy Realization for HR: Realizing the Benefits of Strategic Initiatives, was presented by Kimberlee Williams. Kimberlee, after spending most of her career with Merck & Company’s in their Strategy Office, has since become the president for the Center for Strategy Realization, an organization that focuses on helping to sculpt leaders in order to inspire positive strategic change within a company.



Kimberlee said, “More than anyone else, you are positioned as HR business leaders to really help drive the realization of important strategic initiatives.” She emphasized that the topics covered in her webinar are relevant, interesting, and important for the work that HR leaders are doing.

But she’s not alone in that thought. The webinar’s participants seemed to feel that way too. The webinar, which was hosted on May 24, 2016, received an enormously positive and appreciative response from those involved. Of those participants who provided feedback, 100% believed that Kimberlee’s knowledge on the topic was excellent or very good, 100% believed the webinar was at or above an intermediate level, and 100% said they would recommend the webinar to their HR colleagues.

And the feedback didn’t stop there. We had different HR leaders reaching out to us directly, telling us this was the “best webinar yet!” or that it was “one of the best webinars I have ever attended in my career.” We even had a participant email us and let us know just how important her takeaway was, citing the webinar’s immediate relevance to her company as upcoming leadership transitions are beginning to occur.

We value this incredible feedback, we are grateful that Kimberlee Williams was able to share her knowledge with us, and we are glad that we are able to share this webinar for future use to all who missed its original airing.

After watching, let us know what you think!

Meredith Brandt

Meredith Brandt

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