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Turning a Summer Job into a Fall, Winter & Spring Job, Too

June 12, 2012 Written by Careerminds

Career Coaching
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Jennifer Fry
Careerminds Consultant


It’s that time of year, again: summer. And students, recent graduates, and some experienced professionals are on the search for summer jobs to add to their resumes, provide a little extra cash, and even act as a starting point for a full-time, year-round position.
For those students who are headed back to class in the fall, a temporary job is a great way to earn a some spending (or saving) money over the summer, but for those who have just graduated this spring and for other professionals who are well out of school but looking for work, a part-time gig during the summer months may be just what they need to get their foot in the door at a company that could offer a full-time job once the season changes. If this sounds like an opportunity that you’d be interested in, check out these tips on how to turn part-time into full-time when the air starts getting colder.

  • Research companies that are hiring. Some companies are known for hiring from within, and if you can find an internship or part-time employment with one of them, it is more likely that you will be given the chance to stay with the company after the summer ends. Enterprise Rent-A-Car, for instance, is a nationwide organization that is well-known for providing opportunities for growth and promotion.
  • Express your interest to your employer. Although you’re happy and eager to complete your part-time responsibilities as they stand, it’s a good idea to let your employer know that you would also happily and eagerly fulfill full-time duties if/when they become available. There may not be any such positions available at the time, but when they do become available, your name will already be on your employer’s mind. You can also check if there are any other steps that you’d need to take to be officially considered for a full-time position (i.e.: contacting HR or completing a new application).
  • Do your job well and enthusiastically. Be sure to complete projects correctly, asking questions if necessary, and in a timely fashion, and come in everyday prepared to do just that. Offer to take on additional duties if you can– don’t rush through projects just so that you can take on more– and happily accept them if they are given to your without asking. That just means your employer trusts you to get the job done– it’s a great sign! In addition, learn all that you can about your position, and the goals and values of the company. Employers truly value employees who are passionate about their work and the company, and if you can express that over the summer, it may be tougher for your employer to see you go.
  • Get involved with the company. Don’t be afraid to speak up during meetings or offer your opinions and ideas when you’re working on a project. Employers look for individuals who can add valuable skills and knowledge to the company, whether those individuals are full-time employees or not. Additionally, if your company is involved in volunteer projects, offer to help out– spend a day at the annual food drive, join the company’s team at the charity 5K walk, etc.

You may think of the summer as a time for vacationing at the beach or lounging poolside, but for job seekers, it could be the perfect time of year to find a great part-time job that could very well be there even when the weather cools off– and you can’t say that about that beach!

Careerminds provides scalable, strategic solutions to organizations seeking affordable, web-based outplacement services. Using a Web 2.0 e-learning platform that delivers affordable, online career transition services, Careerminds provides a high-tech and high-touch blend of on-demand career transition education supported by senior-level career consultants to help displaced workers reenter the workforce quickly.



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