Stress Relief (aka A Happy Job Seeker is A Successful Job Seeker)

April 05, 2012 Written by Careerminds

Career Coaching
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Jennifer Fry
Careerminds Consultant


Occasional stress seems like an unfortunate but unavoidable reality; not everything can go your way all the time, so you’re bound to feel a little frustrated every now and then. The way to feeling happier and less anxious is not to avoid potentially stressful situations– imagine what you might miss out on!– but to practice good stress-relieving tactics.
A career transition is nothing if not stressful sometimes. Finding open positions, composing impressive resumes and cover letters, interviewing, waiting for the offer you’ve been after– it’s certainly not a walk in the park. The truth is, though, that job seekers who are more relaxed and content are more likely to be successful in their job search. So, while you’re in the process of finding your next position, take some of these de-stressing tips in mind:

  • Avoid unnecessary stress. Some things are unavoidable, and putting them off will only make things worse. That being said, some stressors can be avoided simply by learning to say “no” to added responsibilities that you can’t handle at the moment, people who cause trouble, to environmental annoyances and to hot-button topics of discussion.
  • Reframe the problem. Perhaps your stress is all a state of mind, and all you need to do make a mental shift. Consider the situation in respect to the “big picture,” remind yourself that perfection isn’t necessary and that “good enough” can be perfect, too, and focus on the positive.
  • Allow for “me time.” As busy as you may feel, fun and relaxation are essential to get through that to-do list effectively. Remember that it’s ok to take a break to go on a nice walk, read a book, play your favorite sport, or just kick up your feet for a while.
  • Let go of control. Feeling out of control can be worrisome, but in the end, some things cannot be controlled or changed by anyone, so why stress yourself out trying?
  • Connect with others. Friends and family can be helpful for taking your mind off of troublesome situations and for solving controllable problems. Plus, they make excellent sources of new perspective.

As much as we all wish it wasn’t, a little frustration is a fact of life. With a flexible mindset, a positive outlook and a little fun here and there, you can make your career transition stress manageable, and your job search successful.


Careerminds provides scalable, strategic solutions to organizations seeking affordable, web-based outplacement services. Using a Web 2.0 e-learning platform that delivers affordable, online career transition services, Careerminds provides a high-tech and high-touch blend of on-demand career transition education supported by senior-level career consultants to help displaced workers reenter the workforce quickly.



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