8 Things to Look For When Buying Outplacement Services in Chicago
November 29, 2017 Written by Careerminds
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With so many outplacement firms out there, it can be difficult to pick out the wheat from the chaff. How do you know which one offers the better outplacement services? What should you base your decision on? If you’re looking to buy outplacement services in Chicago, here are 8 things you should put on your wishlist.
Look for an outplacement company that offers personalized outplacement programs that revolve around your needs. There must be a human factor present during the outplacement process for employees to have a smooth career transition.
Find an outplacement firm that works with dedicated career coaches that truly care for their clients and don’t see them as just as another case assigned to them.
Outplacement programs shouldn’t be fixed, but flexible.
It all depends on what’s best for the employee and what type of services they need. On your search for outplacement services in Chicago, look for outplacement firms that let you pick and choose outplacement services. This way, you can ensure you have separate outplacement programs in place for different employees within your company.
When you first have a meeting with an outplacement firm don’t forget to ask them about their level of engagement.
Namely, what kind of outplacement support should your employees expect to receive. Does the outplacement firm provide time-limited outplacement services or does their career support extend beyond work placement? Some outplacement providers offer career coaching services even after an employee has begun working in their new role so it’s good to keep your eyes open.
By using an engaging and long-lasting outplacement program, your outbound employees will never be alone during their job hunt, making the whole process way easier and less stressful.
Easy accessibility is another feature that you should look for when buying outplacement services in Chicago.
Ideally, the career coaches should offer a flexible schedule when communicating with clients. Some outplacement providers offer a fixed schedule that usually excludes weekends. When buying outplacement services in Chicago make sure employees have access to online and offline tools at all times, including nights and weekends. Access to a tailored outplacement program and professional career advice will help employees move forward with their career and accept their layoff much easier.
Another thing you should be looking for when buying outplacement services is commitment and ongoing support from career coaches. Speak to the outplacement firm to understand their views on the outplacement process.
Do they take the initiative to check in on the displaced employee and talk to them about their progress or do they just send them a handbook with tips and follow up on that?
It’s important that the career coach is committed to each individual case and has a good career coaching track record. Here are some of the ingredients of a good career coach:
- They are passionate about what they do and are driven by helping others.
- They are detail-oriented and always have an outplacement plan in place.
- They inspire others to take a leap of faith and embrace changes.
- They are good listeners and always do what’s best for the displaced individual.
- They are professional and use various resources, tools, and materials for career coaching.
Outplacement costs depend heavily on the outplacement programs and the level of outplacement support. When buying outplacement services in Chicago, you should look for outplacement providers that offer both quality and affordability.
And by affordability, I don’t mean getting the lowest price for outplacement support, but services that are actually worth the cost. When shopping around for outplacement services in Chicago, stay away from these money-grabbing schemes used by some outplacement firms:
- Term limits – restrict the level of outplacement support given to displaced employees to a set period of time. If the employee isn’t placed in this time frame (usually three months) they are left to fend for themselves.
- Retainer fees – are upfront payments paid to an outplacement firm for access to their outplacement services whenever needed. The downside to retainer fees is that you need to pay for services even if you don’t use them. This can be costly for business which is why some outplacement providers don’t charge them. Careerminds, for one, don’t charge retainer fees. Instead, we are always available and charge per service.
If you’re already using outplacement services in Chicago, you should evaluate your current outplacement provider. Use this interactive calculator to find out how much you could be saving on your outplacement processes by using Careermind’s outplacement services.
It’s crucial that the outplacement firm leverages innovative technology to help outgoing employees transition throughout the entire outplacement process. Using outdated technology and traditional methods can have detrimental effects on the outplacement process. When buying outplacement services in Chicago, ask the outplacement firm how they integrate technology in their outplacement programs.
When discussing technology with the outplacement provider, find out the answers to these four questions to assess their outplacement processes:
- Do they use a transition management system?
- Do they have online learning resources?
- Do they use digital networking tools?
- Do they have access to online job-searching platforms?
Always evaluate the quality of the outplacement services in Chicago before you buy. An early indicator of the quality of services is the focus that is put on providing outplacement services.
Does the provider specialize in outplacement services for transitioning employees or do they offer outplacement programs as a second-tier service? An outplacement provider needs to specialize in creating efficient outplacement programs when dealing with difficult layoffs. Go through case studies and if applicable read some reviews from past clients to find the best fit.
Where can you find the best outplacement services in Chicago?
The interesting thing is that the best outplacement services in Chicago don’t actually have to be located in Chicago. You can still get quality and result-driven outplacement services in Chicago through virtual outplacement.
Careerminds is an outplacement firm that offers virtual outplacement programs to cater to clients around the country. The best thing about virtual outplacement programs is that they are practical, flexible and more affordable for businesses to use.
If you’re pretty adamant about using face-to-face outplacement programs, Careerminds offers this too, along with a blended solution that uses both face-to-face and virtual career coaching. Nevertheless, when looking for outplacement services in Chicago, make sure you take note of these eight tips before you make your decision. Doing thorough research will help you achieve both short and long-term goals and make the most suitable choice for your business.
Looking to buy outplacement services in Chicago? Schedule a demo today to see if we’re a fit for you.
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