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Are Outplacement Providers keeping up with HR analytics? Over the last year, I’ve read time and time again that HR is sitting on a gold mine of data about their workforce. The only problem is most companies and HR executives don’t have the tools to access the “data” in order to make sound business decisions. A new generation of SaaS based analytics software is allowing organizations to access employee data more efficiently and reliably as well as message it in a way that is presentable to company executives.
The world of outplacement is no different. Over the years, outplacement providers have struggled with providing real time analytics to their clients because of the traditional nature in the way they capture participant data as well as the delivery model of services. Most of the reporting is entered in a spreadsheet or database manually by consultants and would need “organizing” before reaching the clients’ eyes.
With the latest generation of analytics software, technology based outplacement providers, like Careerminds, can display to their clients real time data on participant activity and engagement as well as provide easy to read reports through dashboards and graphs.
Timing of accessing data is also critical. HR executives tend to want real time data at their finger tips, not when providers find it convenient to send. With SaaS based technology, data is always up to date and readily available to clients, especially regarding registration rates, participant engagement, and placement.
Consider comparing your existing company outplacement provider’s metrics to a technology based outplacement program, such as Careerminds.
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At Careerminds, we care about people first. That’s why we offer personalized talent management solutions for every level at lower costs, globally.