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We all know that engaged, happy employees lead to better everything from culture to profits, but, in today’s world, employee happiness is even more important because of the low unemployment rate.
Right now, the unemployment rate in the US is somewhere around three percent (it shifts a little every day). This is great for workers but puts employers in a tough spot where retention becomes all-important.
While this is important for today’s climate more so than in the past, having happy employees working for your organization should always be top-of-mind no matter what the economy is doing.
Here’s why:
As you can see, there are many benefits that come along with happy, engaged workers. Stock prices, for one, rise when people enjoy their jobs (this is likely because people who enjoy their work take more pride in what they’re doing, ensuring that projects are handled with care.
You also see a giant bump in sales departments. If your sales team is happy with their work, they can give you a 37 percent bump in sales. That’s nothing to shake a stick at.
On the flip side, employees often report that they would be a lot happier with a raise. And, it should come as no surprise, having close friends at work makes a huge difference. We all, at the end of the day, want to be around the people we like.
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