Four Signs that You’re About to Land the Job

March 02, 2016 written by Meredith Brandt

Human Resources
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They’ve seen your resume. You’ve had your interviews. And now, the wait begins. Is there a way to know if a job offer is on its way? In a recent article in Business Insider, author of “The Humor Advantage, Michael Kerr, said, ”While you can never be certain, and you definitely don’t want to get your hopes up prematurely, there are certainly signs that might hint that you’re about to get some good news.” Here are four signs that a job offer may soon be on its way:

A group of corporate people working by the office table.jpeg

1. Meeting key people

If you were introduced to higher-ups or company team members who you weren’t originally intended to meet, it’s safe to say that the company is interested in you. This introduction benefits you as a potential team member, getting to meet possible coworkers before you’re even a member of the company. However, it also allows for a role reversal to occur between you and the hiring manager. With them introducing you to employees around the office, they’re in total selling mode, trying to convince you to be interested in a job by showing you its best attributes: its top people. This is an important position to be in, because it may indicate that they want you and they want you to want the job.

2. Discussing your other options

It may be a good thing when a employer asks you about where else you’re looking for a job. “This can indicate that not only are they seriously considering you, they are concerned they might lose you to someone else and will need to make an offer sooner rather than later,” said Kerr. And while a question about your other opportunities is a tricky one to answer, you should be happy that you’re asked it.

3. Negotiating

This is a great indicator of a formal offer coming your way. Salary talks may come up early in interviews, but when deeper into the process, a discussion of compensation typically means they’re looking to invest in you. If a hiring manager talks to you about your title, health insurance, or vacation, it’s a good sign. Lynn Taylor, national workplace expert and the author of Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant: How to Manage Childish Boss Behavior and Thrive in Your Job said, ”They’ll do their best to entice you to join without exceeding budget parameters. Hiring, in its harshest sense, is a financial agreement between you and an employer.”

4. Checking your references

If you find out that your references were checked by the company, it probably means they’re interested in you. Checking the references of every candidate for a position is time consuming and difficult, so typically this level of background check is only conducted for a top contender. Not all companies will let you know that they’re conducting a check, but if they do, take it as a good sign.

While any of these signs alone may not mean a new job is a guarantee, finding a pattern of these factors are indicative of the fact that the company is interested. A hiring decision may come down to a matter of numbers or differing company culture, but be aware that if these signs and your gut are leading you to believe an offer is coming your way, it very well may be!

Meredith Brandt

Meredith Brandt

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