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Five Mobile Apps that Will Help Get You Hired

December 27, 2012 Written by Careerminds

Human Resources
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Being jobless is never a desirable state of being, but being unemployed in the technology era does have its benefits, believe it or not. If you are lucky enough to own a smartphone, we’ve got a list of apps that can make your job search just a little bit easier.

  1. Job Compass – This is an iPhone app that helps you look for job openings that are very close to home. Many people are now interested in working close to home in order to save money on commuting costs. However, if you are willing to travel or even relocate, you can change the settings in Job Compass in order to search over 2 million entries for job openings further away from your current residence. [Free]
  2. JobMo – Search veritable millions of job listings by using Google Maps to find the listings closest to you. This Android app also helps you with your interview skills and has a social feature that will connect you with other people who are also in the job search process, which will allow you to share job search tips and stories. [Free]
  3. Evernote  – This iPhone app is extremely user-friendly and keeps you organized by allowing you to take notes, make to do lists, leave yourself voice reminders and save business cards as you make progress on your job search. All of your notes and reminders are easily searchable, so that you can return to any ideas or contact information you may have made note of on your mobile device at a later time. Evernote is an extremely helpful organizational tool for the job seeker, and is well worth its cost. [$5.00]
  4. LinkedIn – By providing its users with constant contact to their entire professional network, LinkedIn is still one of the best apps to use during your job search. LinkedIn has now become synonymous with professionalism and is every job seeker’s number 1 go-to website for making network connections. Available for iPhone and iPad as well as Android devices. [Free]
  5. Jobs – This popular Android app is now also available for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. Founded by CareerBuilder, Jobs lets you find your dream position anywhere in the country by using what they tout as the largest online job database in the United States. This app has been reviewed quite positively by many users and is said to be extremely functional, powerful and user-friendly. [Free]
    Careerminds provides scalable, strategic solutions to organizations seeking affordable, web-based outplacement services. Using a Web 2.0 e-learning platform that delivers affordable, online career transition services, Careerminds provides a high-tech and high-touch blend of on-demand career transition education supported by senior-level career consultants to help displaced workers reenter the workforce quickly.


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