Find Your BreaktHRough: Reflections from SHRM16

June 23, 2016 Written by Raymond Lee

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Finding your breakthrough at SHRM 2016 was the theme for the year, and there were just so many ways to achieve that objective. This year SHRM has done a really nice job at aligning the topics and speakers to the SHRM core competency model. I found myself really interested in the Leadership and Business Acumen competency section.

SHRM CareermindsThe theme I heard consistently throughout the sessions I attended was that leaders need to excel in this VUCA world we live in, where things are Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous.

Amy Cuddy was fantastic as she talked about her most recent book, Presence, and as she highlighted her insights on body language that can help you make better impressions at work.

The political debate between Democrat Paul Begala and Republican Tucker Carlson was very entertaining. These are two guys who you can tell have tremendous respect for on another, but also have opposing political stands. They shared their views on the political landscape and the election of 2016. Overall they kept this clean, but at times, the debate got heated.

The exhibitor I was most impressed with this year was SoFi. SoFi is a new kind of finance company taking a radical approach to lending and student loan management. With SoFi, students can refinance their student loan debt. SoFi can help the average student pay off his or her loans faster and save on average $18,936. So why attend the SHRM conference? Well companies can match contributions to help students pay off their loans even faster. A great retention benefit for millennials for sure and a win/win all around.

And, even before the conference wound down, I’d already begun thinking about registering for next year’s conference taking place in my hometown of New Orleans.

Raymond Lee

Raymond Lee

Raymond Lee is the President of Careerminds, a global outplacement company based in Wilmington, Delaware. He has over 20 years of human resource, outplacement, and career consulting experience. He has his bachelor’s in psychology and holds a Master’s Degree in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Louisiana Tech University. He is active in SHRM and ATD. Raymond’s been featured on SiriusXM Business Radio, CareerTalk, and the Wall Street Journal and he’s published a book titled, Clocking Out: A Stress-Free Guide to Career Transitions.

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