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Until Placement: Anthem’s Secret to Career Transition Success in 2019

January 02, 2019 by Aley Brown

What does until placement mean?

Well, just like Anthem is working to transform healthcare with trusted and caring solutions, we at Careerminds are working to transform the outplacement industry.

Our mission is clear: to provide the best support for your laid off employees, through any means necessary. That means we will support your employees until they have found their next position.

Whether that be in 2 months, or in 2 years.

And once they find their next position, our support doesn’t stop there. Our participants have lifetime access to our online job search and career technology platform.

More Than Just an Until Placement Provider

I know what you must be wondering. In what other ways would we help support Anthem’s employees?

Since our mission is to provide the best possible support to your laid off employees, it shouldn’t surprise you that we have the most comprehensive, groundbreaking outplacement technology in the industry.

Our programs offer:

  • A dedicated 1:1 career coach that is available 18/7
  • Certified writers who will keyword optimize resumes and LinkedIn profiles that can help a participant beat Applicant Tracking Software (which can filter resumes before they are even read by a human)
  • PerfectMatch Technology that matches participant resumes to jobs and then provides them keywords that help them better customize and optimize their resume to fit what the potential employer is specifically looking for
  • ResumePromoter Tool: This tool publishes the participant’s resume on up to 65 different job boards all across the web, increasing the chance of a recruiter coming across their profile
  • Private Social Network: We have a private social media network (think of a Facebook or a Twitter) that participants can use to connect with fellow job seekers, career coaches, alumni, recruiters, and more
  • Personal Branding and Training: We offer DISC assessments, interview prep, and networking training, which helps participants get their foot in the door and land their dream job
  • A hybrid delivery model that provides both virtual and face-to-face options, allowing us to work with anyone, anywhere and on their terms

Download our product FAQs for more information.

Why Should This Matter to Anthem?

There are two equally important reasons why this should matter to Anthem’s HR team.

First: A company’s employer brand is more important than ever. Studies show that companies who have strong employer brands have a much easier time recruiting and retaining talent over the long run.

And damaging your employer brand has unfortunately become easier than ever due to social media and online review sites like Glassdoor.

Providing an amazing outplacement program to your laid off employees can protect your employer brand (our clients have a 16.5% stronger online employer brand) and ensure that you save money in the long run with your talent management strategies.

Plus, using unlimited, until placement support has been shown to help participants land higher paying jobs. According to The Wall Street Journal: “Managers with unlimited job-search help landed salaries more than $10,000 higher than managers with just six months of outplacement service.”

Second: Providing this level of support to your laid off employees is the right thing to do. We know that Anthem cares about helping people. So Anthem’s outplacement program should also care about the very people who have helped to develop its renowned healthcare solutions.

Don’t give your employees traditional, one-size-fits-all outplacement programs with time limits. Show them you care with Careerminds!

Take the Next Steps: Be Anthem’s HR Hero

Are you ready to transform Anthem’s career transitions strategy and become the hero of the HR department? (We see a promotion in your future!)

Take the next step and download our pricing guide, comparison sheet, and product FAQs, or sign up for one of our demos.

Aley Brown

Aley Brown

Aley is a versatile global business leader with proven experience managing high-performing teams and engaging a data-driven approach to strategies that exceed company objectives.

In need of outplacement assistance?

At Careerminds, we care about people first. That’s why we offer personalized talent management solutions for every level at lower costs, globally.

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