July 16 Webinar: Working With a Diverse Workforce

June 25, 2013 Written by Careerminds

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In the contemporary U.S. workforce, four generations now often work side by side. They have had varied life experiences, are characterized by different levels of technological expertise and knowledge, and are often distinguished by racial, cultural, religious, and regional diversity. This webcast will address the implications of these differences for employers and managers.

The primary focus is on the differences between generations and what they mean for managers who are trying to build teams and support the diverse needs of their employees. The webcast will also emphasize the technological divide that is at times a divisive element between generations in how they approach their work and personal lives. The effects of globalization and increasing diversity area also addressed.

By the end of this webcast participants will be able to:

• Identify the characteristics and work orientations of Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Generation X’ers, and Millennials.

• Understand intergenerational dynamics and the technological and social media divide between generations

• Develop more cohesive, smooth functioning work teams

• Appreciate and capitalize on the value of multiple employee perspectives and capabilities

• Employ new strategies for overcoming differing generational perspectives at the workplace in order to increase productivity

Tuesday, July 16, 2013 1:00 pm EDT

Presenter Bio

Bahira Sherif Trask, PhD., is a Professor and Associate Chair of Human Development and Family Studies at the University of Delaware and a Policy Scientist in the Center for Community Research and Service. She holds a PhD in Cultural Anthropology from the University of Pennsylvania and an undergraduate degree in Political Science with a concentration in International Relations from Yale University.

Dr. Trask is a leading expert on globalization, work and families in Western and non-Western contexts. She has authored and edited a number of books in this area, including Globalization and Families: Accelerated Systemic Social Change (Springer, 2010). Her latest book (to be released fall 2013) is Women, Work and Globalization: Challenges and Opportunities (Routledge). 

Dr. Trask speaks on her research on work, family, and workforce development for the 21st century in a variety of venues including at the United Nations, corporations such as Gore and Microsoft, and academic institutions, including most recently Yale University.



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