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Data Mining Uncovers the Unpublished Jobs

August 28, 2010 Written by Careerminds

Career Coaching
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‘I sent my resume to ten job postings a day with no call backs’ is a common statement from job seekers looking for work in today’s ultra-competitive marketplace. ‘I’m frustrated. I know I am talented and possess the skill sets that companies are looking for. What am I doing wrong? Why am I not getting call backs?’

With over 14 million people unemployed, as reported in June by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the din surrounding the effectiveness of job search tools and techniques is increasing. Job seekers are finding that it’s more critical than ever before to have access to as many postings as possible in a single service. The problem is, even with sites like Indeed, Monster, and CareerBuilder, search results only reveal published openings. The result is hundreds—sometimes thousands—of applicants all vying for a single job.

While the current groundswell of skilled individuals submitting resumes is a good position to be in from the employer’s perspective, it’s not so desirable from the other side. So, what’s the next evolution in job search technology for consumers? How can 14 million eager-to-work citizens get a leg-up on the open market approach to finding meaningful employment?

Data Mining is likely the solution.

For years, private and public companies, government agencies, and institutions have used data mining to sort through volumes of information to analyze trends, forecast, and gain strategic insight. Data mining is an information-search method that can be used to uncover hidden patterns of data reported by companies all over the world. Until now, it has never been used to help job seekers find possible openings before companies even publish them.

Recent advancements in job search technology are now coming to market. CareerConnect, a proprietary search platform offered by Careerminds is one of the first services to harnesses the power of data mining for frustrated job searchers.

How does it work? The job seeker establishes ‘trigger words’ that filter relevant data which may be a key indicator that a company is experiencing potential growth. As we all know, growth equals jobs. The triggers return data that reveal information about a company such as major contracts awarded, FDA research announcements, awards and recognition, earnings announcements, labor movements, management changes, patent approvals, loan approvals, as well as mergers and acquisitions. Events such as these often suggest that a company is poised to expand.

Using data mining to uncover this type of information early in the job search process gives applicants an advantage when marketing their skills and abilities. With the advancement of social media sites like LinkedIn, making contact with decision makers, hiring managers, and human resource personnel is easier than ever. In fact, Careerminds’ CareerConnect data mining job search engine will not only find unpublished job opportunities by vetting 17 million organizations worldwide, but it will automatically identify the LinkedIn contacts you have at all of those companies. Plus, the tool also features a unique job management dashboard that helps the user stay organized with just a few clicks.




Careerminds provides scalable, strategic solutions to organizations seeking affordable, web-based outplacement services. Using a Web 2.0 e-learning platform that delivers affordable, online career transition services, Careerminds provides a high-tech and high-touch blend of on-demand career transition education supported by senior-level career consultants to help displaced workers reenter the workforce quickly.



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