The Most Taboo Subject in HR?

March 06, 2013 by Careerminds

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Is outplacement a taboo word in HR? Let’s face it, the subject is not something any employee wants to talk about and career transition often feels like something we want to avoid. But that’s not the whole story. The emerging project economy, and new advancements in outplacement have made the subject a little easier to swallow. Outplacement, when done right, is something employees truly appreciate. Our goal here is for outplacement to be seen as the benefit that it is.

Outplacement is a benefit that downsizing companies offer to ensure that former employees make a smooth transition to a new position. The former employer will usually pay for the services of an outplacment firm like Careerminds, to offer sessions on career guidance, resume writing, interview preperation, jobs skills, job markets and a lot more.

Although outplacement services are obviously a positive and helpful thing, we get why this is a taboo subject. Most of us would rather not lose our jobs or let anyone go and we associate outplacement with lbig layoffs. But a great relationship with an outplacement firm that is using the latest advances in gamification, engagement and learning management systems doesn’t need to be taboo.

From an employer’s perspective, downsizing is a harsh reality. Letting people go is never easy, but when you are able to offer them education, networking options, and a proven and effective solution, it can make a world of difference. The company culture can take a big hit when a big RIF comes through. But when your remaining employees see that the organization focuses on solutions and cares for its employees, it can ease jitters and worries.

Treating your employees fairly is the mark of a great business. With the domination of social media in today’s world, people have insider access to the companies of their choice. Staying in good standing with former employees makes your organization more marketable in a huge way. Keeping your comapny’s organization intact during a difficult layoff allows you to ramp up your hiring practices when business dictates.

Furthermore, staying in good standing with former employers can do a lot in the way of company security. Fraud departments are popping up all over the country in many major companies. The main task of these fraud departments is to implement preventative security measures preceeding layoffs. When an employee walks away from a company with a bad taste in their mouth, it can be difficult to determine their actions. Keep them happy and keep your company safe.

From the employee’s perspective, this is the most important insurance policy that they can have. Yes, this is a scary time, but it is vital that they know that assistance is here. Hiring an outplacement firm lets them know that their time and effort wasn’t wasted. Benefits like outplacment are in place to ensure that valued employees are treated as such. Downsizing is now a part of life, but companies like Careerminds are here to make that part just a little less scary.

Don’t be afraid to explore your outplacement options. It doesn’t have to be a taboo subject in HR.



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