Meet the Steve Jobs Of Outplacement Providers

October 10, 2017 by Aley Brown

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Steve Jobs is by far one of the most infamous and innovative business leaders of modern memory. While developing and leading Apple, he disrupted industry after industry by infusing old ideas with mind-melting technology, making his name synonymous with innovation.

So, what does this have to do with outplacement? Well, similar to how Jobs operated in the tech sphere, our CEO and Founder Raymond Lee took the antiquated outplacement model and infused it with a modern, technologically-driven approach, disrupting the career transition industry and changing how outplacement providers operate across the board.


Here’s what you need to know about the Steve Jobs of outplacement.

Raymond’s Background

As he writes on his LinkedIn page, which you can follow here:

“Raymond launched Careerminds in 2008 as a virtual outplacement company. He brings over 18 years of human resources leadership, career consulting, and outplacement experience to Careerminds.

The concept of virtual outplacement was developed by Raymond after experiencing years of traditional outplacement in a variety of HR roles. Through this experience the concept of virtual outplacement and Careerminds was formed.

When he started the company in 2008, he had one goal in mind: to create an outplacement program that was forward-thinking and to reduce the stress employees face during career transition.

outplacement providers

This included developing a robust and relevant technology that accelerated the transition process, creating personalized and customized programs by job function and industry, and hiring the best career consultants who support displaced employees every step of the way.

Raymond holds a master’s degree in industrial/organizational psychology from Louisiana Tech University and a bachelor’s degree in psychology.”

As you can tell, Raymond isn’t your ordinary outplacement CEO. He cares deeply about outplacement delivery because of his own personal experiences with laying off thousands of employees and getting laid off himself.

You can hear him talk about his experiences here:


“I have had to tell probably hundreds and thousands of people that they were going to be losing their job. It’s not something that’s easy. I think the stress of actually having to go home, to tell a loved one, that I lost my job, was probably more stressful for me than anything. The fact that I needed to write a resume, and think about my next opportunity– I wasn’t thinking about that. I was just, I was more worried about not earning a paycheck and not having a job to go to the next day,” Raymond recounts.

Creating The Most Innovative Outplacement Provider

Over the past ten years, Careerminds has exploded with innovation and has completely disrupted other outplacement providers in the industry. Unlike other outplacement providers, Careerminds offers ‘until placement’ support, customizable coaching with a dedicated career coach, and an expansive technology platform. The platform has been built with robust proprietary technology that includes its own Social Network and sophisticated Perfect Job Match technology.

Let’s explore them:

  • Social Network: Careerminds platform integrates with LinkedIn, and allows you to make professional connections with others going through the program. Most jobs are found through a person’s connections, so this feature accelerates the networking process.
  • Perfect Job Match: Our technology scrapes the internet for the perfect position openings for each participant. This saves them a ton of time by doing what would be menial work for them.

Because of these innovative approaches to outplacement, Careerminds has been able to grow year after year, earning the company recognition by Philly 100 for four years in a row.

“I’m excited about what we’ve accomplished in the first 10 years. We’ve released version 7 of our technology platform, have over 150 career consultants across the US, Canada, UK, and Australia delivering virtual outplacement, and we have consistently grown our client list year over year,” Raymond said.

Expanding Careerminds Program Offerings

Over the last year, Raymond has been leading the charge to disrupt the industry again by focusing on a career transition that is rarely paid attention to by outplacement providers: retirement.

As thousands of Baby Boomers reach retirement age, HR executives have begun to worry about the impact this will have on their workforce. Careerminds’ Retirement Lifestyle Planning program can help organizations prepare for this mass exodus as well as assist them in starting a conversation with reluctant retirees.


As you can tell from Raymond’s presentation, the future of the career transition industry lies within top outplacement firms being able to provide solutions to organizations not only for their laid off employees, but also for their aging workforce.

“Evergreen retirement lifestyle planning is a natural extension to our outplacement offering. With over 45 million baby boomers in the workforce today, it is important to have a personalized retirement solution that caters to employees over the age of 55 who are trying to figure out that next journey in their life,” Raymond said.

With so much growth in the past ten years, Careerminds has pushed the envelope for innovation in outplacement programs. Under Raymond’s leadership, the company has become the top outplacement provider on the market. With so much success in the past, we were curious to ask Raymond about what his vision is for the future:

“I see Artificial Intelligence (AI) continuing to be a hot topic for HR around job search and applicant tracking systems. Resumes will be extinct and virtual portfolios will be the norm. Outplacement providers will have to respond to this.”



Cheers to the future, and seeing how Careerminds will continue to disrupt the outplacement industry!

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Further Reading:

Outplacement Training (The Ultimate HR Guide)

How Technology Is Changing How We Treat The Outplacement Process

6 Common Questions About Outplacement Coaching Services

Aley Brown

Aley Brown

Aley is a versatile global business leader with proven experience managing high-performing teams and engaging a data-driven approach to strategies that exceed company objectives.

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