5 Tips to Keep Your Job Search Organized

January 31, 2012 by Careerminds

Jennifer Fry
Careerminds Consultant


There is a lot to keep track of during a job search, and, let’s face it, we’re only human. Without a little help, chances are, something is going to fall between the cracks, whether it be forgetting which employers have already been sent a copy of your resume or where you saved that file in the first place.
If you ask us, staying organized is among the key components in a successful job search, but actually getting organized and keeping everything that way could be easier said than done for some job seekers. Here are a few helpful tips to keep you and your career transition in order.

  1. Establish a work space. If you’ve got a home office or even a desk, that would serve as a great headquarters for your job search operation, but if not, any space inside your home would work just as well. The idea is to keep all of your materials together, whether it be in a desk drawer, an accordion folder, or just neatly stacked on a table.
  2. Choose a “shift”. Identifying a time of day to work on your search will help you keep organized in regards to your schedule. You’re busy just like everyone else, so setting aside a regular time of day specifically for your job search will help assure that you get a few tasks completed every day.
  3. Make a to-do list. Sometimes, people find themselves not doing anything productive because they simply aren’t sure what to do. By writing a daily/weekly/etc. to-do list, you’ll know exactly what still needs to be done (i.e.: revise resume, contact hiring manager at Company XYZ, e-mail these contacts). This also works as a great motivator– imagine that feeling of accomplishment it will bring each time you cross something off the list.
  4. Create a record. There are several ways in which to keep a clear record of your progress: a hand-written list, a Word document, an Excel spreadsheet. It’s up to you how to do it, but cataloging the employers/positions you want to contact, have contacted, need to follow up with, etc. will keep your job search moving forward. Log details such as: date you applied, company, contact person, position, action taken, interview time/date, next steps to be taken. Update this record as changes occur.
  5. Keep one folder. Whether you’re working with pen and paper, printed pages or computerized files, you’ll need to create a folder on your computer’s desktop or on your actual desktop that is designated for job search materials only. That way, everything you need will always be easy to access and store.

By keeping everything organized, your job search is likely to run much more smoothly, allowing you to stay on the right track without getting too stressed in the process.

Careerminds provides scalable, strategic solutions to organizations seeking affordable, web-based outplacement services. Using a Web 2.0 e-learning platform that delivers affordable, online career transition services, Careerminds provides a high-tech and high-touch blend of on-demand career transition education supported by senior-level career consultants to help displaced workers reenter the workforce quickly.

Social Media Master Hits BM
New hire means great news for major brands

January 30, 2012, New York, NY- Public relations giant, Burson-Marsteller announced today that Jennifer Fry, University of Delaware graduate and master of media has joined its New York brand marketing team, and brands worldwide are cheering. After bringing success to multiple organizations from local non-profits to multi-national companies, Fry intends to try her hand at some of the world’s largest brands represented by BM.

Her experience in both social and traditional media is what sparked the firm’s interest. “Social media is huge, there’s no denying that, but television and other platforms aren’t going anywhere, either. Jennifer’s experience in film and video makes her a valuable member of our team, not only because she knows the mechanics of creating visual media, but also because she understands ‘the visual’, altogether,” Burson-Marsteller Chair of Global Brand Marketing, Lisa Travatello said. “Combine that with her understanding of social media as a vital PR and marketing tool, and we couldn’t resist.”

“Social media is not the wave of tomorrow,” she stated. “It’s the wave of today, and any brand that isn’t online may as well not exist.”




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